
The very recent attack upon presidential candidate Donald Trump has sobered the nation—at least for the moment. President Biden has called for a lowering of the campaign rhetoric, and Donald’s son has said his dad is a changed person.

Now is a time to reflect on the things that really matter. Love trumps politics, and who we are is more important than what we say. At the end of the day, we are all Americans, brothers and sisters in the great family of humanity. Prick us and we bleed, beat us and we hurt, love us and we smile.

Jesus told us that love is greater than hate and that forgiveness is the door to Paradise. What counts is a loving, forgiving spirit that seeks not its own advantage but the eternal good of others. Politics are very temporary, but as the Bible says, he who does the will of God abides forever. Praying for Donald and Joe instead of the incessant hate speech would work wonders, not only for America but for our own souls.

— John Carter


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