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The Carter Report July-August 2024 Newsletter in PDF version

Click here to Download The Carter Report May and June 2024 Newsletter in PDF Version

If you are a parent, grandparent, or college student, this is a must-read. Beverley Carter…

The Carter Report July-August 2024 Newsletter in PDF version

Click here to Download The Carter Report May and June 2024 Newsletter in PDF Version

If you are a parent, grandparent, or college student, this is a must-read. Beverley Carter (mother and grandmother) talks to her husband, John Carter (father and grandfather). Click here to…

Why I have never been more optimistic A message from the heart Click here to Download The Carter Report January-February 2023 Newsletter in PDF Version

John Carter answers critics, POLITICS, RUSSIA, UKRAINE and the GOSPEL Click here to Download The Carter Report November-December 2023 Newsletter in PDF Version

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