It’s not new—this idea of a Christian nation. Christian zealots have long prayed that the nations of the Earth would submit to the Lordship of Christ. They saw a pattern in the Old Testament when the State and the Temple were virtually one and the same. Moses was the head of the “Church” and also the head of the Israelite nation. The Catholics embraced wholeheartedly the idea of THEOCRACY and were happy when Constantine the Roman emperor became a Christian. Constantine presided over church councils and helped deliberate complex doctrines. The fact that he was a murderer, idolater, and generally unconverted pagan did not in any way lessen his authority in the eyes of power-hungry members of the church hierarchy. The END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS became a cloak to cover every sin. The following 1000 years were a time when church and state in blissful matrimony murdered millions of nonconformists during the Dark Ages. But who reads history anymore?
Whatever the next four years hold, be assured the hope for an American theocracy is not dead. Of course you will know that THEOCRACY means a union of church and state. It may be set aside for the time being, but the pot that is cooking this infernal stew is bubbling away. Revelation 13 is still future, but it’s truly amazing how quickly prophecy is fulfilled when the LORD OF HISTORY cries. “IT’S TIME!”
Nonconformity for Christ and Truth is required.
— John Carter