Seventh-day Adventists teach that America will eventually become a THEOCRACY. Basing their beliefs on Revelation 13, they see America as the Lamb Beast that becomes the persecuting False Prophet. This prophetic scenario is also supported by founder and prophet Ellen White in her best-selling GREAT CONTROVERSY, which is still widely distributed by the Adventist Church. The book is available in almost any Adventist Book Center.
How is this scenario related to the present election? Simply because many Protestants and Catholics are convinced that the only solution to America’s descent into moral anarchy is a THEOCRACY. They see a Union of Church and State as the only answer to the crime, corruption, and lawlessness that are rampant on the streets of the “Land of the Pilgrim Pride.” The Roman Catholic Church is an experienced expert when it comes to a theocratic form of government. The Papacy ruled Europe for more than 1000 years and was the senior partner with European governments who enforced her religious decrees. Protestants today are anxious to learn from the Mother Church from which they escaped at the time of the Reformation. They apparently have forgotten that the “Noon Day of the Papacy was the Midnight of the World.” Millions of dissidents were murdered and executed by the Papal leaders, who used the State to burn and butcher the dissidents.
Many good Americans today are “fed up” with the rot that the Liberals are trying to force down their throats. Their moral revolution is being led by an unlikely champion of Christian values, Donald Trump. Storm clouds are on the horizon. Some would say the storm has arrived. Whoever wins, America’s future is fraught with peril. True Christians will look only to Jesus Christ for hope, life, morality, and security.
— John Carter