- Wars in and around Jerusalem will intensify. See Dan. 9:26; Lk. 21:24.
- Wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, and great signs from heaven will intensify in severity and frequency. See Lk. 21:10,11, Matt. 24:8.
- Followers of Jesus will face persecution and death often from religious zealots. Matt. 24:9; 23:34.
- Little Antichrists will multiply, and finally the last great Antichrist will rule the world. 2 Thess. 2:3,9-12. Most Christians and others will gladly accept him.
- Super weapons will devastate the earth. Rev.11:18.
More SIGNS will be revealed next week.
Be informed. Be ready. Be saved. Be wise. Be ahead of the crowd.
— John Carter