Dear Friend,
Sitting in a dirty hall where it’s minus 10˚ C and trying to concentrate on the sermon is not easy, particularly when the power goes out, and you’re left in the dark. That’s the situation many of our new members experience in Russia and Ukraine. Why? Because while there is a new class of very wealthy people, almost all our church members are poor. It’s hard to live on $50.00 a month.
My very recent (43rd) trip to the former Soviet Union convinced me we need to do
two things now:
1. Buy a building in downtown Kiev to serve three struggling and freezing congregations that we started 20 years ago. Because of the depressed Ukrainian economy we can buy it now for $350,000.00, whereas in better times this same building can cost a million dollars. This opportunity will not last for long, we need to move ahead quickly.
2. Conduct evangelistic series for the Russian and Ukrainian youth who need spiritual help now. Please help me do this. This great outreach will cost $200,000.00 for two youth campaigns, one in Russia and one in Ukraine. I know that the governments of these old Soviet countries leave much to be desired, but we are not going to Russia and Ukraine to support these governments, but rather to help save precious souls for whom Christ died.
I beseech you, please be my partner. Thank you in Jesus’ name.
Please write to me as soon as you read this letter. Please, let’s get our brothers and sisters in out of the cold. Please let’s save our young people.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
The great 1995 campaign that witnessed 3,530 baptisms in the Dneiper River (the largest baptisms of Ukrainians in history) still bears fruit. In spite of the bloody war on the Russian border and a collapsing economy, thousands still worship on the Sabbath. Young people enrich the church services with a spirit of joy and hope.

Church leader fights the preaching of the Gospel. The Patriarch of Ukraine said, “ONLY OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL YOU PREACH HERE!” He died just before John Carter started the Kiev City Campaign. His tomb on the side walk outside the cathedral is a warning to the enemies of evangelism.

Ex-Mafia boss travels hundreds of miles to visit Pastor Carter. He was the leader of a small army of gangsters. After watching the Carter Report, he and his lieutenants accepted Christ and joined the Church. The Russian Mafia makes the American Mafia look like kindergarten teachers! No one is too hard for Christ!

This building will serve three freezing congregations. It is for sale in downtown Kiev for $350,000.00. We must buy it and you can help make it possible. In the middle of winter it is sometimes MINUS 10 degrees (without heating) inside rented buildings where our new believers worship.
The Carter Report and Ukrainian HOPE TV are joining forces to reach the youth of the nation during October 2016.

Photo: adventist.org.ua

Photo: adventist.org.ua
Your gift of love will help get our new believers into a warm building. Your gift at this time will save lost young people in Russia and Ukraine. Please write to: John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
While I was in Russia and Ukraine, I was impressed by the Spirit of God to do two things:
1. Get our believers in out of the cold and purchase a building in Kiev that would serve three congregations ($350,000.00).
2. Run special evangelistic meetings for young people in Russia and Ukraine ($200,000.00).
Your God inspired gift will help make this possible. I am enclosing an envelope for your use. Thank you. ~John Carter
Why the Best is Yet to Be, and Why We Don’t Need to Worry
“When you watch the nightly news, it’s not good news. Pity the poor soul who lives without hope in God. We are convinced that the best is yet to be. The bad news is really the good news because the groanings of Earth tell us that a bright new day is about to begin. We refuse to fuss, fear, and fret. We will not worry. Our Father holds the world in His hands, calms our troubled seas, and whispers, ‘Peace. Be still.’” ~John Carter
We promise you that your offering will be used to bring Christ to the lost, lonely, and hurting. When you send your gift, please request our two 30-minute TV programs*: “The Russian Experience” LW1601 and “The Ukrainian Experience” LW1602 (two programs on ONE DVD).
* All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS it is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.

Dear Friend,
Sitting in a dirty hall where it’s minus 10˚ C and trying to concentrate on the sermon is not easy, particularly when the power goes out, and you’re left in the dark. That’s the situation many of our new members experience in Russia and Ukraine. Why? Because while there is a new class of very wealthy people, almost all our church members are poor. It’s hard to live on $50.00 a month.
My very recent (43rd) trip to the former Soviet Union convinced me we need to do
two things now:
1. Buy a building in downtown Kiev to serve three struggling and freezing congregations that we started 20 years ago. Because of the depressed Ukrainian economy we can buy it now for $350,000.00, whereas in better times this same building can cost a million dollars. This opportunity will not last for long, we need to move ahead quickly.
2. Conduct evangelistic series for the Russian and Ukrainian youth who need spiritual help now. Please help me do this. This great outreach will cost $200,000.00 for two youth campaigns, one in Russia and one in Ukraine. I know that the governments of these old Soviet countries leave much to be desired, but we are not going to Russia and Ukraine to support these governments, but rather to help save precious souls for whom Christ died.
I beseech you, please be my partner. Thank you in Jesus’ name.
Please write to me as soon as you read this letter. Please, let’s get our brothers and sisters in out of the cold. Please let’s save our young people.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
The great 1995 campaign that witnessed 3,530 baptisms in the Dneiper River (the largest baptisms of Ukrainians in history) still bears fruit. In spite of the bloody war on the Russian border and a collapsing economy, thousands still worship on the Sabbath. Young people enrich the church services with a spirit of joy and hope.

Church leader fights the preaching of the Gospel. The Patriarch of Ukraine said, “ONLY OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL YOU PREACH HERE!” He died just before John Carter started the Kiev City Campaign. His tomb on the side walk outside the cathedral is a warning to the enemies of evangelism.

Ex-Mafia boss travels hundreds of miles to visit Pastor Carter. He was the leader of a small army of gangsters. After watching the Carter Report, he and his lieutenants accepted Christ and joined the Church. The Russian Mafia makes the American Mafia look like kindergarten teachers! No one is too hard for Christ!

This building will serve three freezing congregations. It is for sale in downtown Kiev for $350,000.00. We must buy it and you can help make it possible. In the middle of winter it is sometimes MINUS 10 degrees (without heating) inside rented buildings where our new believers worship.
The Carter Report and Ukrainian HOPE TV are joining forces to reach the youth of the nation during October 2016.

Photo: adventist.org.ua

Photo: adventist.org.ua
Your gift of love will help get our new believers into a warm building. Your gift at this time will save lost young people in Russia and Ukraine. Please write to: John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
While I was in Russia and Ukraine, I was impressed by the Spirit of God to do two things:
1. Get our believers in out of the cold and purchase a building in Kiev that would serve three congregations ($350,000.00).
2. Run special evangelistic meetings for young people in Russia and Ukraine ($200,000.00).
Your God inspired gift will help make this possible. I am enclosing an envelope for your use. Thank you. ~John Carter
Why the Best is Yet to Be, and Why We Don’t Need to Worry
“When you watch the nightly news, it’s not good news. Pity the poor soul who lives without hope in God. We are convinced that the best is yet to be. The bad news is really the good news because the groanings of Earth tell us that a bright new day is about to begin. We refuse to fuss, fear, and fret. We will not worry. Our Father holds the world in His hands, calms our troubled seas, and whispers, ‘Peace. Be still.’” ~John Carter
We promise you that your offering will be used to bring Christ to the lost, lonely, and hurting. When you send your gift, please request our two 30-minute TV programs*: “The Russian Experience” LW1601 and “The Ukrainian Experience” LW1602 (two programs on ONE DVD).
* All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS it is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.