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Dear Friend in Christ,
When I was a boy of 16, I left my home in Brisbane and travelled to North Queensland, the tropics. There I operated a bulldozer for 12 hours a day, earning my fees to attend Avondale College. I arrived after a day and a half on the “Sunlander*,” during winter. The days were balmy and the nights chilly. When old man Summer arrived, he came with hot days and hot nights and often entertained us with spectacular displays of lightning accompanied by bone jarring thunder.
Before those North Queensland storms, there was an oppressive and stifling heat. In the distance one could see the flashes of lightning as the electricity played among the heavy clouds. All was quiet, the lightning was too far away to be heard. But soon, one could hear the menacing mutterings of the thunder as the storm moved closer. Louder and louder the thunder would rumble until the storm was overhead. Great bolts of white electricity would strike around us and the earth would shake as “God moved the furniture upstairs.” After His display of pyrotechnics, the rain that had come down in torrents would suddenly cease, and the sound system would go mute. Then all was peaceful.
Here I was, a boy of 16, on a great iron dragon of a machine, the perfect lightning conductor. From that precarious perch I would carefully watch the late afternoon skies before the storm arrived. When I could hear the distant thunder, I knew time was running out. I knew I needed to find a place of safety before the lightning bolts caught me in the open, sitting on a metal death trap.
I feel like that again. I can hear the distant thunder and I can see the lightning playing in the clouds, like a fluorescent tube before it fizzles. I am talking about the SIGNS OF THE TIMES and the GATHERING STORM.
The SIGNS are here and I list a few:
1. A flood of lawlessness and immorality. The days of Noah are here again
2. The Earth on life support
3. The rise of the new Intolerance. Everything is tolerated except God’s law
4. America moves from the faith of her fathers and embraces strange gods
5. The Gospel of Christ prevails in spite of persecution
6. Millions of Christians face death
7. The twin pillars of society, the Sabbath and Marriage, are cast down
8. Terrorist nations get nuclear weapons
9. The Antichrist of Bible prophecy achieves hero status
10. God’s people proclaim the Gospel
*The train
Can’t you see it? Can’t you hear it? The storm is coming, Jesus is coming! If you believe what I am saying, please say, “AMEN!”
Dear friend, it is time for us to seek a place of safety. That place is under the wings of the Eternal God. It is also the time for us to PUSH BACK against EVIL by aggressively preaching, teaching, and living the Gospel of Christ.
Here is a list of Carter Report projects for 2014 that I believe you will want to support:
It’s home to four times the population of the United States. We have just finished a new series for Indian TV. We are also planning a campaign (dangerous!) in an Indian city that must at this stage remain anonymous.

Pastor Jacob translating into Telugu
Campaigns are being organized for those who speak the language of Spain. Some of these countries have less than ideal security, but we follow where Christ leads.

Pastor and Mrs. Carter with a group of ministers in Colombia
We are now broadcasting the Gospel on 3ABN, and THE WORD
NETWORK that is in the homes of 85,000,000 Americans. This costs $8,000.00 every week.
If you think you can hear the distant thunder and see the lightning flashes, then please partner with us in proclaiming God’s last warning message.
Please write to me. Time is short, the storm is coming. We have work to do, you and I. Please give your very best gift for the most important undertaking ever given to humans — the work of sharing the message of salvation.
Thank you in advance for your generous gift of love and grace. May God bless you over and beyond all you can ask or think.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
P.S. When you send your gift for soul-saving, please request my new DVD, “Keeping the Faith.” Please quote this DVD number: LW1317. Thank you a thousand times.
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Dear Friend in Christ,
When I was a boy of 16, I left my home in Brisbane and travelled to North Queensland, the tropics. There I operated a bulldozer for 12 hours a day, earning my fees to attend Avondale College. I arrived after a day and a half on the “Sunlander*,” during winter. The days were balmy and the nights chilly. When old man Summer arrived, he came with hot days and hot nights and often entertained us with spectacular displays of lightning accompanied by bone jarring thunder.
Before those North Queensland storms, there was an oppressive and stifling heat. In the distance one could see the flashes of lightning as the electricity played among the heavy clouds. All was quiet, the lightning was too far away to be heard. But soon, one could hear the menacing mutterings of the thunder as the storm moved closer. Louder and louder the thunder would rumble until the storm was overhead. Great bolts of white electricity would strike around us and the earth would shake as “God moved the furniture upstairs.” After His display of pyrotechnics, the rain that had come down in torrents would suddenly cease, and the sound system would go mute. Then all was peaceful.
Here I was, a boy of 16, on a great iron dragon of a machine, the perfect lightning conductor. From that precarious perch I would carefully watch the late afternoon skies before the storm arrived. When I could hear the distant thunder, I knew time was running out. I knew I needed to find a place of safety before the lightning bolts caught me in the open, sitting on a metal death trap.
I feel like that again. I can hear the distant thunder and I can see the lightning playing in the clouds, like a fluorescent tube before it fizzles. I am talking about the SIGNS OF THE TIMES and the GATHERING STORM.
The SIGNS are here and I list a few:
1. A flood of lawlessness and immorality. The days of Noah are here again
2. The Earth on life support
3. The rise of the new Intolerance. Everything is tolerated except God’s law
4. America moves from the faith of her fathers and embraces strange gods
5. The Gospel of Christ prevails in spite of persecution
6. Millions of Christians face death
7. The twin pillars of society, the Sabbath and Marriage, are cast down
8. Terrorist nations get nuclear weapons
9. The Antichrist of Bible prophecy achieves hero status
10. God’s people proclaim the Gospel
*The train
Can’t you see it? Can’t you hear it? The storm is coming, Jesus is coming! If you believe what I am saying, please say, “AMEN!”
Dear friend, it is time for us to seek a place of safety. That place is under the wings of the Eternal God. It is also the time for us to PUSH BACK against EVIL by aggressively preaching, teaching, and living the Gospel of Christ.
Here is a list of Carter Report projects for 2014 that I believe you will want to support:
It’s home to four times the population of the United States. We have just finished a new series for Indian TV. We are also planning a campaign (dangerous!) in an Indian city that must at this stage remain anonymous.

Pastor Jacob translating into Telugu
Campaigns are being organized for those who speak the language of Spain. Some of these countries have less than ideal security, but we follow where Christ leads.

Pastor and Mrs. Carter with a group of ministers in Colombia
We are now broadcasting the Gospel on 3ABN, and THE WORD
NETWORK that is in the homes of 85,000,000 Americans. This costs $8,000.00 every week.
If you think you can hear the distant thunder and see the lightning flashes, then please partner with us in proclaiming God’s last warning message.
Please write to me. Time is short, the storm is coming. We have work to do, you and I. Please give your very best gift for the most important undertaking ever given to humans — the work of sharing the message of salvation.
Thank you in advance for your generous gift of love and grace. May God bless you over and beyond all you can ask or think.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
P.S. When you send your gift for soul-saving, please request my new DVD, “Keeping the Faith.” Please quote this DVD number: LW1317. Thank you a thousand times.