
On Sunday, September 15, the former president was playing golf at his Florida golf course. A Secret Service agent saw the barrel of a rifle poking out the bushes and opened fire. The would-be assailant escaped only to be captured after a highway pursuit. The details of the incident are now well known and will not be repeated here. What is not known is why the would-be assassin would plan to murder the former president, who is campaigning vigorously to regain power. These things will doubtlessly be revealed as the investigation proceeds.

What is known right now is that a spirit of polarization and extremism is now capturing many on the fringes of politics. Some would even argue that this extremism has invaded the mainstream of American political life as millions believe and advocate falsehoods and dangerous ideologies. These extreme positions are even promoted and advocated by leaders and members of the so-called Establishment.

It is time for all to step back and recognize that TRUTH and LOVE are more powerful than hate and lies. Hitler operated on the principle that a big lie was more potent than a small lie, and millions believed his lies. The Germans prided themselves on their Christian Faith.

We know how that ended. Big lies are now the stuff of campaigns everywhere. Hate is perceptible among the followers who crowd the rallies. Leaders fan the fires of discord. Apparently it gets votes.

It is time to change course. While it sounds naive, it is time to read again the words of Christ, who told us to love our enemies. He also said the Truth would set us free. A reading of Matthew Chapters 5-7 would reveal exactly what we should and must do to make America great again. Is it not too late to change course, but the clock is ticking.

— John Carter


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