It is 4:10 P.M. and I am getting ready for the meeting tonight at the Mosaiek Teatro in Johannesburg, South Africa.
It is 4:10 P.M. and I am getting ready for the meeting tonight at the Mosaiek Teatro in Johannesburg, South Africa.
We are all developing a fortress prison mentality. It is not safe to go down the street by oneself, and we are confined to the hotel compound. The beautiful homes are surrounded by high fences topped with electric wire. I feel sorry for the people who live here under these circumstances. Criminals lurk everywhere, waiting for the opportunity to mug, rob, or carjack. Things are not getting better, but rather worse. The murder of a beautiful young tourist on her honeymoon in Cape Town is a grim reminder that “perilous times have come.”
In view of these prevailing circumstances, made even more deadly by the prevalence of AIDS, it is quite remarkable that so many are attending our meetings. Nightly, the cream of South Africa society is thronging our meetings, hungry for a word of hope and assurance. It is a testimony to the enduring power of the preached Word of the Lord that people are prepared to leave the security of their homes and venture forth to hear powerful prophetic truths. Truly the Word has not lost its power. THE CROWD LISTENED ENTHRALLED BY THE MESSAGE
Nightly I stand on the stage and look out upon a packed house of earnest listeners. It is remarkable that there is no rustling of papers—only silence. The people listen with rapt attention and answer me back when I ask them to respond. Truly the Lord is in this place.
It has not been easy, it never is, and never will be. Opposition and obstructionism has come from unexpected quarters, but God’s grace has prevailed. We ask for your prayers to rise to heaven like incense before the “Mercy Seat.” Please do not forsake us, or these people who need us here at this time.
For the very first time, HOPE channel and 3ABN have joined forces to nightly telecast the messages LIVE around the planet. Here in South Africa thousands are meeting at strategic downlink centers to receive the messages as it is beamed from the Mosaiek Teatro here in Johannesburg. Thus, through the cooperation of these two media ministries, thousands and thousands around the world are hearing the Good News of Christ.
We are appealing to those not generally reached by the Church and they are crowding into the Kingdom. We are told that for the first time in South African history, people who do not respond to evangelistic advertising are coming to hear the Message. Please pray for these people whose future is so uncertain in the land of dramatic changes.
Please write today and do not delay.
The Carter Report, Inc. 100 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA 91007 or write to our Australia office: P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260
A Note from John Carter:
Dear Friend of the Gospel,
I must now get on my way, time waits for no man. My little team of “heroes” is standing with me, and we are giving it our all. Please do not forsake us at this time. Please hold on to the rope as we strive to bring souls to shore, safe from the roaring tempest. Please be our lifeline to the lost. Remember the old hymn, “Rescue the perishing, care for the dying.”
Please write to me at our USA or Australian address. Please do all you can for Jesus and His children at this time of peril and opportunity. Please look at the pictures, they tell the story.
Please write today and do not delay. Thank you for Christ’s sake.
Yours in the Blessed Hope from South Africa,
John Carter The Carter report Ministry
P.S. As Christmas comes to your home, may you be blessed with the presence of the Incarnate Christ.
P.P.S. When you send your gift, request our 60-minute DVD, “Mission Driven Life.” (Please quote this number when requesting your DVD: LW1019*.) Please write today.
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of my DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.