Behind The News
Somewhere in the Middle East, some zealots have recorded the essence of their religion: “WE…
NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE It was Christmas 1939. The outlook was black with foreboding. Great Britain…
DOES IT MATTER? Most of us were brought up on Christmas trees and gifts to…
DERANGED MAN GOES ON RAMPAGE IN SYDNEY A forty-year-old man suffering from mental illness murdered six people at a large shopping mall in Bondi, Sydney. Bondi is famous for its…
POPE SAYS TRANSGENDER OPERATIONS ARE VIOLATION OF GOD’S LAW Jesuit Pope Francis, who sometimes appears to speak out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, has approved…
BIBLE PROPHECY PREDICTS FATE OF ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM Trump says Israel made a “very big mistake.” Speaking to Israel Hayom, former President Donald Trump defended Israel’s right to defend herself….
WHY DO EVANGELICALS SUPPORT TRUMP? Mr. Trump resonates with “born-again“ Christians in America (and elsewhere) who see him as America’s savior and the champion of the Church. Evangelicals who believe…