People in real democracies have the right to march, protest, and demonstrate. Democracy unlike Communism is messy. Churchill who received an unceremonious boot in the seat of the pants after winning the war said, “Democracy is the very worst system in all the world — except all the others.”
People have been demonstrating in favor of the State of Israel. People have been shouting and marching in favor of the Palestinians. The “Squad” in Congress have been highly critical of Israel. The majority of the House plus the Biden administration have expressed solidarity with Israel. Freedom of speech may be obnoxious but it is needful. Only dictators and ignorant people hate freedom and their numbers are proliferating.
Israel is a Jewish state and has the absolute right to exist. Contrary to the views of some Evangelicals in the United States however, it is not God’s chosen nation. Jerusalem is no more sacred than my backyard. The Evangelicals under discussion are teaching ideas that are not taught in the Bible. Many of them are ignorant, but they have the right to be ignorant and preach their ignorant ideas. People have the right to believe ignorant ideas, even though these ideas are dangerous. We hope they will do it respectfully.
Whatever nonsense these certain American Evangelicals teach about Israel; Israel is a legitimate state and has the right to exist and defend themselves. So do the Palestinians have a right to a homeland. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
The New Testament teaches that God has a new nation. It is not America, Britain, Australia, Saudi Arabia, or Israel. It is not Palestine. It is a spiritual nation made up of all those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. It is composed of Jews, Arabs, Americans, Russians, Chinese, and all the others who have entered into a special relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that and you cannot be anti-Semitic, anti-Arab, or anti anyone else who looks and believed differently to you.
Try reading Matthew 21:33-46 and Romans 9:6-8. Also try Galatians 3:26-29. It’s hard work thinking. Also dangerous. But keep on keeping on. Don’t be brainwashed by these ignorant preachers and politicians. Think for yourself. Be free!
— John Carter