

A 26-year-old Syrian man murdered three people in the German city of Solingen. He stabbed to death two men aged 67 and 56 and a woman aged 56. He stabbed them in the throat. He also wounded eight others, four seriously. He is known as Issa Al H. According to German law, the full name of the murderer cannot be revealed. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the act of terrorism. Germany has accepted millions of asylum seekers, some from Syria, the birthplace of the terrorist who has repaid German hospitality with a brutal and vicious attack upon unarmed peaceful citizens.

Islamic State believes in the forceful establishment of an Islamic theocracy that is ruled by Sharia law, the teachings of the Quran, and the words of the prophet Mohammad. The Islamic ideal is a kingdom where the laws of God are enforced. Saudi Arabia, which adopted the teachings of the religious fanatic Wahabi in 1744, is an Islamic theocracy where Christianity is banned. Islamic State has a goal: the world-wide establishment of the Islamic religion, by force if necessary.

Some Christians, while rejecting the Quran, have no problem with the idea of a Christian theocracy where their interpretation of the Bible is the law of the land. The First Amendment to the US Constitution forbids such a union of church and state, but many today believe that God needs a little help from His followers who will legislate morality and clean up the mess.

Christian and Muslim theocracies are doomed to fail. They are fatally flawed. The kingdom of God is the result of freedom of choice and cannot be legislated. There is a better way than knives, guns, and racks to make people good.

— John Carter


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