
The world today desperately needs hope. There is no debating the fact that the world’s economy has sustained awful injuries. The banking industry has been unmasked forwhat is really is — a collapsing house of cards. Wall Street has shown its true colors; it is a gambling den whose managers are greedy, grasping, gasping villains.

The world today desperately needs hope. There is no debating the fact that the world’s economy has sustained awful injuries. The banking industry has been unmasked forwhat is really is — a collapsing house of cards. Wall Street has shown its true colors; it is a gambling den whose managers are greedy, grasping, gasping villains. There is not much comfort for any of us inthese rotten and rotting institutions.

But, there is hope, because our trust is in God, not in man. The Bible says,

“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.  When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.  Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them — the Lord, who remains faithful forever.  He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.  The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to theblind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.  The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherlessand the widow but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.”

Psalm 146: 3-9

When the world is shattered, and things fall apart, the man or woman who hopes in God will remain steadfast and secure.


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