

A few days ago Israel killed the leader of Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group bent on destroying Israel. America, Israel’s close ally, has moved warships and planes to the Middle East to defend the Jewish state. At this time, it seems the world has edged closer to nuclear confrontation as Iran inches closer to building weapons of mass destruction.

PM Netanyahu, who is now the leader of a Right Wing parliamentary group of Jewish zealots, has shored up his base by addressing Congress now controlled by Right Wing Christian zealots set on helping God to establish His earthly kingdom. These indeed are the days described by the Jewish Messiah Jesus and other Jewish prophets.

The Bible predicted:

  1. The Jewish Messiah would be murdered by the Jewish religious hierarchy, who are not to be confused with the common Jewish people.
  2. The result of this act of Deicide (the murder of God) would be the destruction of Jerusalem and an increasing time of trouble that would climax in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. God would build His Church from people of every nation. This new spiritual community would make up His Church, now composed of born-again Jews, Arabs, Palestinians, Russians, Americans, Australians, Germans, Chileans, and representatives from every nation under heaven. God is not a RACIST.
  4. God no longer has a special nation. No piece of land is especially sacred. Geographically, there is no Holy Land. God’s people in every nation are now His New Israel. His CHURCH is the NEW ISRAEL. There are 50,000 Christian Arabs in the West Bank.
  5. It is to be expected that politicians will get it wrong. We need to get it right by studying (for starters) Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Romans 9:6-8. Read especially Matthew 21:32–46. Prepare to be amazed.

Things will get worse before they get better. But for the true Israelite who follows Jesus, the future has never looked so good.

— John Carter


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