Prime Minister Netanyahu is riding a wild steer. If he stays on, he will go where the wild beast wants to go. If he is tossed, he will be gored, mauled, and mutilated. The wild steer is the far-right group of Israeli politicians who are the equivalent of the Pharisees of Christ’s day. They believe Jesus is an impostor and that they have a divine right to all the land of Palestine. They are now in charge of the Israeli parliament and are motivated by extreme Zionist aspirations. To stay Prime Minister, Netanyahu needs to appease them and illegally keep building Jewish settlements on the West Bank, an activity that has been opposed by every American administration, with the exception of the Trump presidency which itself was captive to right-wing Evangelicals.
Palestinians like the Jews have a political right to a homeland, but extremists in both camps will continue to make that dream illusionary. History has shown that there is no peace without the Prince of Peace. The Jewish prophet Isaiah wrote about it in his book in the ninth chapter and sixth verse, but who in the Middle East is listening? Certainly not Netanyahu and his Pharisee party. Certainly not Hamas.
— John Carter