In spite of the prophets of pessimism, the U.S. economy is still the best in the world. And getting better. The Economist magazine predicts a growth rate of 6% for the Third Quarter.
While America is climbing like a rocket, the Chinese economy is falling like a rock off the cliff. Throughout the land of the Chinese Dragon there is a growing sense of disillusionment. Particularly affected are hundreds of millions of young people. They have no hope for the future. How could they? They live in a Communist country ruled by a ruthless dictator who tells them to suck it up and tough it out. That’s ok for him. He lives in a palace.
The American way is still the best, in spite of crazy stupid politicians who cry, “Defund the police!” And other crazy opportunists who will tell you black is white, green is red, and there are really a zillion sexes in spite of what we know to be true. Personally, I don’t find it real hard to tell a real woman from a real man.
America continues to beat the odds because there are still enough sensible people left who know that big government is not the solution but actually the problem These forgotten heroes are the backbone, the brains, the muscles, and soul of America. They still believe that hard honest work, not welfare, is what makes a nation great.
Keep flying high, America, and keep beating the critics, the Commos, the cynics, the welfare queens, and the naysayers. God bless America, I say.
— John Carter