Somewhere in the Middle East, some zealots have recorded the essence of their religion:
“WE NEVER FORGIVE AND WE NEVER FORGET.” The justification for this policy of unending violence is plucked right out of the Old Testament that teaches, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Thus the hatred, violence, retribution, and anger grow and multiply. “You hit me, and I will hit you. You kill 1000 of mine, and I will kill 40,000 of yours.”
As the terrorists strike, and as the inevitable pay-back ensues, so the hatred grows and is passed on from one generation to the next. Little children are born and bred in an unending world of violence. The camps of despairing and desperate refugees are breeding grounds for terrorists who early learn to hate the enemy.
The Middle East has been a seething pot of intrigue and violence for thousands of years.
How could it be otherwise? The Chosen people rejected the prophets and finally committed the greatest crime in the history of the World. They murdered God in the person of Jesus Christ who was the greatest Jew who ever lived. Is there a solution? Yes, repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Not only is this the solution for peace in the Middle East, it is the only path to peace everywhere on the planet.
The teachings of Jesus are plain, simple, but tough to follow. He said we are to love our enemies, and forgive seventy times seven. He said that no one who hated his enemy would be saved but would be cast into the hell of fire. He also said that only people redeemed by AMAZING GRACE could break the circle of hatred.
If we are tempted to dismiss the GOSPEL OF HIS TRANSFORMING LOVE, try looking at the alternative. Look at the Middle East. Look at Syria. Look at Gaza. Look at Israel. Then look at Jesus. He is our only hope.
— John Carter