
The American prophet and patriot Ellen White, who wrote during the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century said, “The final movements will be rapid ones.” She was referring to the speed with which Last Day prophecies would be fulfilled. Carefully examine her prophecies about THE NEW WORLD ORDER and see if she got it right. She predicted:

  • AMERICA WILL BECOME A TOTALITARIAN POWER and persecute dissidents. Do you see any signs of this development?
  • AMERICA WILL DENY HER PROTESTANT HERITAGE and set up a THEOCRACY. Does Project 25, which is Trump’s master plan to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, say anything about a union of church and state?
  • AMERICA WILL CEASE TO BE THE SHINING CITY ON THE HILL and will become a totalitarian power, more like Russia and China.

Ellen White, the American patriot, based her unpopular conclusions on Revelation 13, where the Beast with the horns of a Lamb spoke as a Dragon. She wrote her predictions in her best seller, “THE GREAT CONTROVERSY.”

Will present-day politicians actually be the players in the last great drama? Only time will tell. One thing is certain: America is changing, and the revolution has started. Great changes are taking place, the most consequential in the history of the Republic.

— John Carter


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