Dear Partner,
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
We have now almost completed a powerful new evangelistic TV series based on the Port Moresby Campaign. These meetings touched the lives of hundreds of thousands; what will happen if we present these same Gospel Truths to a larger and wider audience? God blessed the Port Moresby programs to move an entire nation. What will happen if we repeat the miracle of Port Moresby around the world?
I want to put in your hands four 60 minute Carter Report DVDs from the now famous Port Moresby campaign. I want to give them to you as a gift. All I ask is that you write and request them, and tell me that you will watch them. I am not asking you to pay for them; I want you to receive them as a gift. I believe that after you view the largest evangelistic campaign in the history of our church, you will want to share these messages with a dying world. (This is a limited time offer. You need to write today. Please read again the conditions.)
We are moving ahead in faith. It is our plan to telecast our new evangelistic series in the following, but not limited to, places:
1. Johannesburg, South Africa
2. Manila, Philippines
3. The Washington DC area
4. 3ABN worldwide
5. HOPE network, when and if they will accept them
6. National TV, Papua New Guinea
7. Solomon Islands TV
8. Selected cable networks throughout the USA
9. Australian Christian Network
10. National TV in Fiji
11. Selected Hispanic, Chinese, and Russian TV outlets
12. India
We are pretty much putting all our eggs in one basket. We believe that the times and the sacred cause demand that we attempt something of real significance for Christ. If we succeed, we will actually touch millions with the Gospel message. This is definitely not business as usual or “playing church.” It is striking the match that lights the candle that dispels the darkness.
I need to raise a million dollars, for God’s glory. I am so convinced that you will want to partner with me in this tremendous outreach that I am prepared to send you four 60 minute Carter Report DVDs of the new “Great Truths Revealed” series, shot in Port Moresby, completely FREE. There are two simple but absolute conditions: You must write and request the gift, and you must tell me you will watch the programs.
Now, dear friend, think about the enormity of the impact of moving nations for Christ. Please catch the vision. A million dollars is needed. God will help us. I refuse to be content with the status quo. God expects more of us.
Please know that you are in our prayers. God knows your needs and He will come to your aid at just the right time. Thank you for your partnership. May He bless you in every way possible.
Yours for striking the match that lights the candle…
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
All gifts to The Carter Report in the United States are tax-deductible.
Dear Partner,
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
We have now almost completed a powerful new evangelistic TV series based on the Port Moresby Campaign. These meetings touched the lives of hundreds of thousands; what will happen if we present these same Gospel Truths to a larger and wider audience? God blessed the Port Moresby programs to move an entire nation. What will happen if we repeat the miracle of Port Moresby around the world?
I want to put in your hands four 60 minute Carter Report DVDs from the now famous Port Moresby campaign. I want to give them to you as a gift. All I ask is that you write and request them, and tell me that you will watch them. I am not asking you to pay for them; I want you to receive them as a gift. I believe that after you view the largest evangelistic campaign in the history of our church, you will want to share these messages with a dying world. (This is a limited time offer. You need to write today. Please read again the conditions.)
We are moving ahead in faith. It is our plan to telecast our new evangelistic series in the following, but not limited to, places:
1. Johannesburg, South Africa
2. Manila, Philippines
3. The Washington DC area
4. 3ABN worldwide
5. HOPE network, when and if they will accept them
6. National TV, Papua New Guinea
7. Solomon Islands TV
8. Selected cable networks throughout the USA
9. Australian Christian Network
10. National TV in Fiji
11. Selected Hispanic, Chinese, and Russian TV outlets
12. India
We are pretty much putting all our eggs in one basket. We believe that the times and the sacred cause demand that we attempt something of real significance for Christ. If we succeed, we will actually touch millions with the Gospel message. This is definitely not business as usual or “playing church.” It is striking the match that lights the candle that dispels the darkness.
I need to raise a million dollars, for God’s glory. I am so convinced that you will want to partner with me in this tremendous outreach that I am prepared to send you four 60 minute Carter Report DVDs of the new “Great Truths Revealed” series, shot in Port Moresby, completely FREE. There are two simple but absolute conditions: You must write and request the gift, and you must tell me you will watch the programs.
Now, dear friend, think about the enormity of the impact of moving nations for Christ. Please catch the vision. A million dollars is needed. God will help us. I refuse to be content with the status quo. God expects more of us.
Please know that you are in our prayers. God knows your needs and He will come to your aid at just the right time. Thank you for your partnership. May He bless you in every way possible.
Yours for striking the match that lights the candle…
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
All gifts to The Carter Report in the United States are tax-deductible.