
Almost 200 years ago, a wave of spiritual fervor swept the United States. This movement culminated in the belief that Christ would soon appear to judge the world in righteousness. This scenario, which grew out of an interpretation of the prophecies of the prophet Daniel, went against the prevailing idea that humanity was on its way to a perfect society. This idea of mankind’s inevitable progress was further strengthened by Darwin’s theory of Evolution. One voice that went against this trend was that of a young woman by the name of Ellen White.

She claimed to receive visions from God. In her book, “Great Controversy,” that was first published towards the turn of the Nineteenth Century, she predicted that her beloved America would repudiate her Constitution and become an intolerant Theocracy. She based her ideas in part on the Thirteenth Chapter of Revelation. This passage describes a Beast  with the horns of a Lamb that speaks as a Dragon. She taught that America was born as a Bible-believing, freedom-loving nation. Ellen also predicted that America would eventually revert to the intolerance she had sought to escape. Thus the Beast with the horns of a Lamb would speak as Dragon. 

Today, Catholics and Protestants have never been so close. They increasingly share a belief in the old idea that a Theocracy where Church and State are united is an idea whose time has come. Catholics are no strangers to the theocratic form of government. The Papacy functioned as a Theocracy for over 1,000 years and gave to the world the bloody Inquisition. Strangely, Protestants are warming to the idea. They see an American Theocracy as a wonderful way to suppress sin and all forms of behavior that they find objectionable. They even imagine that God could use a little help from His friends. Society is a mess, and Uncle Sam could help God out and bring in the Millennium. Politicians are lining up to climb onboard the Theocracy Train.

The quiet girl from New England who warned of the repudiation and destruction of the American system of separation of Church and State just may end up being right. Stay alert. A Theocracy is coming to America.

— John Carter


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