We have just visited Cuba to explore the possibilities of evangelism in that Communist country. We are convicted by the Spirit that God is about to do great things. We met with church leaders and planned with them EVANGELISTIC OUTREACHES IN TEN LOCALITIES. We gave them sufficient funds to start this Gospel project, with a promise of more to come. In Cuba the average monthly salary is $20.00, and money for evangelism does not exist. We believe that we who are so richly blessed are under a moral obligation to help our struggling brothers and sisters in Communist Cuba.
Since the Revolution, the Cuban people have suffered the results of the embargo. The old American cars are right out of the 50’s. Spare parts for these 60-year-old vehicles remained in Detroit, but the resourceful Cubans improvised to keep them running. While the standard of living in some ways drastically declined, the Castro government produced one of the best health care systems in the world. Cuba has 70,000 doctors, more than the whole of Africa. Education is free and the literacy rate is 99.8%. Havana, once a playground for rich tourists, has mellowed with time and retains a distinctive Latino charm. We found the Cubans warm and friendly.
Pope Francis, the Jesuit priest from Argentina, is a human catalyst for change. Some would even say he is a daring revolutionary. He has, after all, played a significant role in improving USA-Cuban relationships. He recently received a tumultuous welcome in Cuba. Even the Communist president, Raul Castro, is contemplating his conversion to Catholicism. Cuba after the Pope’s visit is a nation in transition, and we pray that God will bless the Cubans with peace and prosperity.
Revolutions are provoked by a desperate need for change. The Cuban revolution was a reaction to poverty, corruption, and oppression. Today a new revolution is in the making as the Cuban government, with the cooperation of President Obama, seeks a better deal for the Cuban people. The Carter Report aims to be part of that revolution by helping to preach the liberating truths of Christ, the Savior of the downtrodden masses.
A round the island nation of Cuba, 31,744 Adventist Christians worship with the permission of the Cuban government. These fervent Christians, who are loyal citizens of the Cuban government, are waiting for God to do great things.
There are many challenges, just as we have faced in cities around the world. We are confident that our great God is able to throw down every barrier and open the gates. One challenge is raising one million dollars for worldwide evangelism, but already God’s people are responding. This is our opportunity to do something great for God and His waiting people. JOIN US!
“May the God of the Christ who came to live among us warm and bless your good hearts at this happy and joyous time!” ~ John Carter
In order to get the benefits of your 2015 tax-deduction, please make sure your gift for the Gospel of Christ is postmarked no later than December 31, 2015.
We have just visited Cuba to explore the possibilities of evangelism in that Communist country. We are convicted by the Spirit that God is about to do great things. We met with church leaders and planned with them EVANGELISTIC OUTREACHES IN TEN LOCALITIES. We gave them sufficient funds to start this Gospel project, with a promise of more to come. In Cuba the average monthly salary is $20.00, and money for evangelism does not exist. We believe that we who are so richly blessed are under a moral obligation to help our struggling brothers and sisters in Communist Cuba.
Since the Revolution, the Cuban people have suffered the results of the embargo. The old American cars are right out of the 50’s. Spare parts for these 60-year-old vehicles remained in Detroit, but the resourceful Cubans improvised to keep them running. While the standard of living in some ways drastically declined, the Castro government produced one of the best health care systems in the world. Cuba has 70,000 doctors, more than the whole of Africa. Education is free and the literacy rate is 99.8%. Havana, once a playground for rich tourists, has mellowed with time and retains a distinctive Latino charm. We found the Cubans warm and friendly.
Pope Francis, the Jesuit priest from Argentina, is a human catalyst for change. Some would even say he is a daring revolutionary. He has, after all, played a significant role in improving USA-Cuban relationships. He recently received a tumultuous welcome in Cuba. Even the Communist president, Raul Castro, is contemplating his conversion to Catholicism. Cuba after the Pope’s visit is a nation in transition, and we pray that God will bless the Cubans with peace and prosperity.
Revolutions are provoked by a desperate need for change. The Cuban revolution was a reaction to poverty, corruption, and oppression. Today a new revolution is in the making as the Cuban government, with the cooperation of President Obama, seeks a better deal for the Cuban people. The Carter Report aims to be part of that revolution by helping to preach the liberating truths of Christ, the Savior of the downtrodden masses.
A round the island nation of Cuba, 31,744 Adventist Christians worship with the permission of the Cuban government. These fervent Christians, who are loyal citizens of the Cuban government, are waiting for God to do great things.
There are many challenges, just as we have faced in cities around the world. We are confident that our great God is able to throw down every barrier and open the gates. One challenge is raising one million dollars for worldwide evangelism, but already God’s people are responding. This is our opportunity to do something great for God and His waiting people. JOIN US!
“May the God of the Christ who came to live among us warm and bless your good hearts at this happy and joyous time!” ~ John Carter
In order to get the benefits of your 2015 tax-deduction, please make sure your gift for the Gospel of Christ is postmarked no later than December 31, 2015.