The Carter Report believes that the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus will do more good than all the clever speeches of politicians, and the pious deliberations of church leaders.
We have seen thousands, yes, even millions of lost men and women blessed, liberated, uplifted, and enriched through the proclamation of the great Truths of the Bible. We are convinced that the only real solution to the problems confronting humanity is the person of Jesus. Not more religion, not more church councils, not more programs, not more slogans, not more seminars, not more propaganda but the preaching of the good news of Jesus.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek”. Romans 1:16
What We Believe
We believe in a loving God who created all things. We believe this person is manifested in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He knows everything. He is everywhere at the same time, is all-wonderful, and wants for our very best good. He inspired the authors of the Bible, an amazing book that contains everything that is necessary for our personal salvation and happiness.
We believe that man was created happy and holy, but through the willful transgression of Adam, our representative, became sinful and lost.
We believe that God became a real man in the person of Jesus Christ who lived a sinless life, and died for our sins on the cross.
We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead, and that He will return to Planet Earth to save His people.
We believe that God changes human hearts through a dynamic process called the “new birth”.
We believe when we come in true faith to Jesus Christ and repent of our sins, He freely forgives and declares we are “not guilty” but righteous.
We believe that God, our Creator and Friend, has given us a weekly day of worship and celebration, called the Sabbath. This day is a time for worship, thanksgiving, rest, fellowship, family and joy.
We believe this lifetime is but a preparation for a wonderful new life that will have no end – a life of endless companionship, fulfillment, and satisfaction. We believe in the resurrection when God’s people will receive immortal, incorruptible bodies. We believe in the soon coming of our Lord who will make all things new and abolish the reign of sin and death. We believe men and women are invited by their Creator to partake of His endless life and to share the wonders of this new life that gets better with each passing day.