A dad, a husband, a photographer, a hiker, a traveler, a pastor, an Aussie, an American, a   Californian, a writer, a president (the Carter Report), a gardener, a tractor driver, an ice cream lover, a Christian, a speaker, an evangelist, a truth seeker, an individual, a car enthusiast, a straight shooter, an honest person.

John grew up in the Land Down Under. He was born in the little town of Esk in Queensland. His father was a crane driver. His mother was a home maker. He went to school in Brisbane. Later he went to Avondale College for six years to train for the ministry. He earned his fees for the first year by driving a bulldozer in North Queensland.

To pay his way for the remaining five years, he sold Christian books from door to door. His life was touched by a number of outstanding scholars, including the famous archaeologist Dr. Siegfried Horn and the brilliant theologian Dr. Desmond Ford. He married Beverley Buchanan, and together after graduation they went to the Australian Outback, to a mining town named Broken Hill. Later they ran meetings up and down the East Coast of Australia for twenty years and finally ended up in the famous Sydney Opera House where they evangelized in their unique style for six months. Then they moved to America. From there, they travelled the world teaching and preaching the great truths of Christianity. Somewhere along the way, they had three children. David, Leanne, and Juli share their parent’s passion to uplift humanity and make the world a better place.