Dear Believer in Jesus Christ the LORD,
We have just left Cuba where we saw a great manifestation of the power of God. After preaching for just eight days, The Carter Report campaigns across the island nation witnessed 648 souls baptized, with another 253 souls crying out to be baptized. This happened in a Communist country that forbids any advertising on social media, radio, TV, or newspapers. Our website was blocked. Our only advertising was by word of mouth, and it worked. People need the Lord.
I had the honor of preaching in the place the locals say is the toughest in all of Cuba, the area in Havana called the VIPER. Was this a coincidence? Yet in spite of everything Satan the Serpent could spew at His people, the hall was crammed with an audience that hung on every word. The auditorium was hot and humid, and sweating bodies were packed close together. But God was there and His Spirit moved on the hearts of the people. I feel like shouting, “OUR GOD IS GREAT!” He gave me the strength under very difficult conditions to preach the Gospel with power, and the people responded.
We are thankful that the Cuban government cooperated with us and actually issued us special visas. Thank you. We see this as the start of something great and tremendous in Cuba. God has opened the door and this work has only just begun. It is time now to advance. Christian soldiers are needed. Donors to the sacred cause are needed. You are needed. We say, “Thank you Jesus! Thank you dear Carter Report supporters!”
Gratefully yours,
John Carter
P.S. Beverley and I with our little team of warriors are now on our way to Ukraine.
Thousands pack halls across the Island to hear the Gospel, no advertising allowed!
Needed now:
The mass distribution of full message, PURE GOSPEL, UNADULTERATED TRUTH-FILLED DVDS across the whole Cuban nation. Our people are waiting to go to work.
$100,000.00 to light a Gospel fire.
Also, needed now:
Bicycles for 100 Cuban pastors who are paid $28.00 a month.
THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO SPEND YOUR MONEY. Do your giving while you’re living, so you’re knowing where it’s going! The Carter Report is respected around the world for its integrity in finances.
Dear friends,
As you read this we will be proclaiming the saving message of Christ from the great city of Kiev. Not only will people in Ukraine’s capital hear the Word, but the messages will be telecast into Western Russia, throughout Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. The need here is great. My message to you is, “Never give up, never lose heart, never despair, never surrender to hopelessness. But always look up, always trust, always be thankful, always believe that the best is yet to come.” Thank you for your faithful support during these final hours of Earth’s history. Jesus is coming!
Lovingly Yours,
John Carter
P.S. This is my 47th visit to what was once called the SOVIET UNION.

Nightly attendance at the Church of the Viper in Havana. The overflow crowd was in the adjacent patio.

Joy filled the room at the first baptism Saturday night.

Pastor from the Guantanamo Bay Church traveled 17 hours to attend the Evangelism Seminar held by Pastor John Carter.

Hundreds respond to the call for baptism.
Dear Believer in Jesus Christ the LORD,
We have just left Cuba where we saw a great manifestation of the power of God. After preaching for just eight days, The Carter Report campaigns across the island nation witnessed 648 souls baptized, with another 253 souls crying out to be baptized. This happened in a Communist country that forbids any advertising on social media, radio, TV, or newspapers. Our website was blocked. Our only advertising was by word of mouth, and it worked. People need the Lord.
I had the honor of preaching in the place the locals say is the toughest in all of Cuba, the area in Havana called the VIPER. Was this a coincidence? Yet in spite of everything Satan the Serpent could spew at His people, the hall was crammed with an audience that hung on every word. The auditorium was hot and humid, and sweating bodies were packed close together. But God was there and His Spirit moved on the hearts of the people. I feel like shouting, “OUR GOD IS GREAT!” He gave me the strength under very difficult conditions to preach the Gospel with power, and the people responded.
We are thankful that the Cuban government cooperated with us and actually issued us special visas. Thank you. We see this as the start of something great and tremendous in Cuba. God has opened the door and this work has only just begun. It is time now to advance. Christian soldiers are needed. Donors to the sacred cause are needed. You are needed. We say, “Thank you Jesus! Thank you dear Carter Report supporters!”
Gratefully yours,
John Carter
P.S. Beverley and I with our little team of warriors are now on our way to Ukraine.
Thousands pack halls across the Island to hear the Gospel, no advertising allowed!
Needed now:
The mass distribution of full message, PURE GOSPEL, UNADULTERATED TRUTH-FILLED DVDS across the whole Cuban nation. Our people are waiting to go to work.
$100,000.00 to light a Gospel fire.
Also, needed now:
Bicycles for 100 Cuban pastors who are paid $28.00 a month.
THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO SPEND YOUR MONEY. Do your giving while you’re living, so you’re knowing where it’s going! The Carter Report is respected around the world for its integrity in finances.
Dear friends,
As you read this we will be proclaiming the saving message of Christ from the great city of Kiev. Not only will people in Ukraine’s capital hear the Word, but the messages will be telecast into Western Russia, throughout Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. The need here is great. My message to you is, “Never give up, never lose heart, never despair, never surrender to hopelessness. But always look up, always trust, always be thankful, always believe that the best is yet to come.” Thank you for your faithful support during these final hours of Earth’s history. Jesus is coming!
Lovingly Yours,
John Carter
P.S. This is my 47th visit to what was once called the SOVIET UNION.

Nightly attendance at the Church of the Viper in Havana. The overflow crowd was in the adjacent patio.

Joy filled the room at the first baptism Saturday night.

Pastor from the Guantanamo Bay Church traveled 17 hours to attend the Evangelism Seminar held by Pastor John Carter.

Hundreds respond to the call for baptism.