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Written during a visit to Australia on June 12, 2014
Dear Friend,
This letter pays tribute to Pam Rhodes who fell asleep in Christ a few days ago. She with her husband Jimmy came with us to Ukraine. The place was Zaporozhye, a city of a million souls. It was a bastion of fanatical Cossacks, militants dedicated to the state religion. They were determined to drive us out. They did everything possible to close down our meetings. Each day came with a new round of threats, obstructions, and plots to destroy us.

Pam and Jimmy were right there with us, in the midst of danger, drama, and the constant challenges that accompany a large citywide campaign. We were there for one purpose: to win lost souls for Christ. That indeed was the reason they came from Tennessee to far-off Ukraine. It was no pleasure jaunt! It was risky business, but Pam and Jimmy were made of the right stuff.

Pam blessed us with her singing, and the audience not far removed from militant atheism responded with love and gratitude. She was a real trooper, a soldier of the cross, a brave woman of God, a child of the King. It was an honor to know her.
She was laid to rest on Friday, the 13th day of June, 2014, awaiting the call of the Life giver.
A Tribute to Pam Rhodes
Pam Rhodes was a well known and beloved Gospel singer who with her husband Jimmy touched the lives of millions around the globe. They were associated with The Carter Report for more than 20 years, even traveling to far-off Ukraine to bring the message of the Savior to those without hope. Talented, generous, creative, funny and wise, she left you feeling better about yourself, life, and the world around you with its trials and tragedies. She spoke about Jesus as though she had just been talking to Him and He were her best friend. He was. She leaves to mourn, but not as others who have no hope, her husband Jimmy, her children, Rondi, Jimmy, Debra, their spouses and grandchildren, and dear ones far and near, all whom she loved so much. Pam served on the 3ABN Board because her great love was sharing Christ with a dying world. We will not forget her. Neither will God. She sleeps in Jesus awaiting the call of the Savior. Good night Pam, we'll see you in the morning.

Just a few days ago I was in my old hometown of Sydney, staying not far from the famed Opera House. That building with its unique sails, sitting alongside the beautiful harbor, holds a special place in my heart. It was there, in 1982, that we held Gospel meetings for six months.
I was amazed last week by the seemingly endless crowds of young people who thronged the streets of this safe, bustling, affluent city of 4.6 MILLION souls. God seemed to be far from their thoughts as they pursued the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. The hotels and bars were packed, and the gilded shops, full of the latest gadgets and styles, were doing a
roaring trade.
It made me think of the days before Noah’s Flood. Little did they know that Judgment Day was fast approaching.
Why do I talk to you about this visit to Sydney? Because the Bible teaches that men and women without Christ are lost, dead in trespasses and sins. (See Eph. 2) How they need to know the truths of the Bible and the message of salvation! If my Bible is right, and if I read it correctly, only Jesus is the Way of Salvation. Only Jesus. Please see Acts 4:12.
Those restless Sydney crowds are judgment bound, without Christ, and lost. So it is around the world — in New York, Los Angeles, Rome, Moscow, Toronto, and wherever men and women are without the knowledge of the cross of Christ.
That understanding and insight is what motivates The Carter Report. It is the real “WHY” the Church exists — to preach the true Gospel and save souls.
How far we have gotten off the Gospel track! How far we have drifted away from God’s plan and purpose for us! Is it not time to return to the God of the Bible and His Word of truth?
Pam Rhodes, unlike those restless, searching crowds that thronged the streets of old Sydney town, knew Christ as her personal savior. She was redeemed by grace, and her salvation is secure. When Jesus returns, He will cry with a voice that pierces the ears of the dead, “Pam, I say to you, Arise!” Pam is going to walk out of her tomb, a young woman with the glow of eternal youth.
What about you, dear friend? I must confess to you that we are dealing with the issues of life and death. “Believe in Jesus and follow Him, and you will live for eternity in a golden home in a perfect world.” No pain, no sorrow, no partings, no end!
When I think of the immense contrasts in the fates of men and women, I am moved deep down inside. Follow Jesus and live forever in Glory, or turn from Him and go down in eternal blackness. This to me is not just talk. It is not just religion. It is
reality and truth.
This is why we do real evangelism, which is the proclamation of the saving truths of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why The Carter Report goes to Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, India (next trip July 2014), Papua New Guinea, and to the ends of the earth. This is a cause worth supporting.
The beautiful, loving, and talented Pam Rhodes, our partner in evangelism, has fought the good fight, finished the course, and won the crown. We will surely miss her, but it’s not, “Good bye Pam.” No, it’s, “Good night, Pam, we’ll see you in the morning. We will see you soon.”
Please stand with us in the one work that lasts for eternity. Please write to me and help us light a candle in the darkness. Pam certainly did, she left the world a brighter, better place. It was our privilege to know her. She will never be forgotten. I am waiting to hear from you. With a thousand thanks.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
Why we left the big city and moved to a little town called Moorpark:
- Because we think it is time to leave the large cities that are becoming as Sodom and Gomorrah. We worked in Los Angeles for 25 years and finally reached the conclusion that the writing was on the wall.
- Because it was time for us to sell up and be debt free.
- Because we had done all we could do in Arcadia and it was time to move on.
- Because it was time to start again with a greater emphasis upon the message of Jesus.
- Because we heard the voice of the Spirit of the Lord telling us to go where He was leading.
- Because a Chinese buyer came along with a vision to reach the Chinese people, who have become the major ethnic group in that part of Los Angeles, with the Gospel.
- Because the right building in the right place at the right price at the right time became available to us. We could not deny that the presence of the Lord was in this place.
- Because all involved in the sale of the old property and the purchase of the new were united in their conviction that God was leading us.
- Because life is too short and we don’t have time for politics.
- Because the work goes on and the dream will never end.
During this month The Carter Report returns to India, land of a million gods and more than a BILLION souls. Please support this work that grows more dangerous every day.
The Inheritance of the Saints
1 Thessalonians 4:16
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”
John 5:25,28
“I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice…”
1 Corinthians 15:51,52
“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we will be changed.”
Please write to me today. When you send your gift for evangelism, please request my DVD “The Perseverance of the Saints”. (When you request your DVD, please quote this number: LW1406-1407).
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.
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Written during a visit to Australia on June 12, 2014
Dear Friend,
This letter pays tribute to Pam Rhodes who fell asleep in Christ a few days ago. She with her husband Jimmy came with us to Ukraine. The place was Zaporozhye, a city of a million souls. It was a bastion of fanatical Cossacks, militants dedicated to the state religion. They were determined to drive us out. They did everything possible to close down our meetings. Each day came with a new round of threats, obstructions, and plots to destroy us.

Pam and Jimmy were right there with us, in the midst of danger, drama, and the constant challenges that accompany a large citywide campaign. We were there for one purpose: to win lost souls for Christ. That indeed was the reason they came from Tennessee to far-off Ukraine. It was no pleasure jaunt! It was risky business, but Pam and Jimmy were made of the right stuff.

Pam blessed us with her singing, and the audience not far removed from militant atheism responded with love and gratitude. She was a real trooper, a soldier of the cross, a brave woman of God, a child of the King. It was an honor to know her.
She was laid to rest on Friday, the 13th day of June, 2014, awaiting the call of the Life giver.
A Tribute to Pam Rhodes
Pam Rhodes was a well known and beloved Gospel singer who with her husband Jimmy touched the lives of millions around the globe. They were associated with The Carter Report for more than 20 years, even traveling to far-off Ukraine to bring the message of the Savior to those without hope. Talented, generous, creative, funny and wise, she left you feeling better about yourself, life, and the world around you with its trials and tragedies. She spoke about Jesus as though she had just been talking to Him and He were her best friend. He was. She leaves to mourn, but not as others who have no hope, her husband Jimmy, her children, Rondi, Jimmy, Debra, their spouses and grandchildren, and dear ones far and near, all whom she loved so much. Pam served on the 3ABN Board because her great love was sharing Christ with a dying world. We will not forget her. Neither will God. She sleeps in Jesus awaiting the call of the Savior. Good night Pam, we'll see you in the morning.

Just a few days ago I was in my old hometown of Sydney, staying not far from the famed Opera House. That building with its unique sails, sitting alongside the beautiful harbor, holds a special place in my heart. It was there, in 1982, that we held Gospel meetings for six months.
I was amazed last week by the seemingly endless crowds of young people who thronged the streets of this safe, bustling, affluent city of 4.6 MILLION souls. God seemed to be far from their thoughts as they pursued the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. The hotels and bars were packed, and the gilded shops, full of the latest gadgets and styles, were doing a
roaring trade.
It made me think of the days before Noah’s Flood. Little did they know that Judgment Day was fast approaching.
Why do I talk to you about this visit to Sydney? Because the Bible teaches that men and women without Christ are lost, dead in trespasses and sins. (See Eph. 2) How they need to know the truths of the Bible and the message of salvation! If my Bible is right, and if I read it correctly, only Jesus is the Way of Salvation. Only Jesus. Please see Acts 4:12.
Those restless Sydney crowds are judgment bound, without Christ, and lost. So it is around the world — in New York, Los Angeles, Rome, Moscow, Toronto, and wherever men and women are without the knowledge of the cross of Christ.
That understanding and insight is what motivates The Carter Report. It is the real “WHY” the Church exists — to preach the true Gospel and save souls.
How far we have gotten off the Gospel track! How far we have drifted away from God’s plan and purpose for us! Is it not time to return to the God of the Bible and His Word of truth?
Pam Rhodes, unlike those restless, searching crowds that thronged the streets of old Sydney town, knew Christ as her personal savior. She was redeemed by grace, and her salvation is secure. When Jesus returns, He will cry with a voice that pierces the ears of the dead, “Pam, I say to you, Arise!” Pam is going to walk out of her tomb, a young woman with the glow of eternal youth.
What about you, dear friend? I must confess to you that we are dealing with the issues of life and death. “Believe in Jesus and follow Him, and you will live for eternity in a golden home in a perfect world.” No pain, no sorrow, no partings, no end!
When I think of the immense contrasts in the fates of men and women, I am moved deep down inside. Follow Jesus and live forever in Glory, or turn from Him and go down in eternal blackness. This to me is not just talk. It is not just religion. It is
reality and truth.
This is why we do real evangelism, which is the proclamation of the saving truths of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why The Carter Report goes to Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, India (next trip July 2014), Papua New Guinea, and to the ends of the earth. This is a cause worth supporting.
The beautiful, loving, and talented Pam Rhodes, our partner in evangelism, has fought the good fight, finished the course, and won the crown. We will surely miss her, but it’s not, “Good bye Pam.” No, it’s, “Good night, Pam, we’ll see you in the morning. We will see you soon.”
Please stand with us in the one work that lasts for eternity. Please write to me and help us light a candle in the darkness. Pam certainly did, she left the world a brighter, better place. It was our privilege to know her. She will never be forgotten. I am waiting to hear from you. With a thousand thanks.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
Why we left the big city and moved to a little town called Moorpark:
- Because we think it is time to leave the large cities that are becoming as Sodom and Gomorrah. We worked in Los Angeles for 25 years and finally reached the conclusion that the writing was on the wall.
- Because it was time for us to sell up and be debt free.
- Because we had done all we could do in Arcadia and it was time to move on.
- Because it was time to start again with a greater emphasis upon the message of Jesus.
- Because we heard the voice of the Spirit of the Lord telling us to go where He was leading.
- Because a Chinese buyer came along with a vision to reach the Chinese people, who have become the major ethnic group in that part of Los Angeles, with the Gospel.
- Because the right building in the right place at the right price at the right time became available to us. We could not deny that the presence of the Lord was in this place.
- Because all involved in the sale of the old property and the purchase of the new were united in their conviction that God was leading us.
- Because life is too short and we don’t have time for politics.
- Because the work goes on and the dream will never end.
During this month The Carter Report returns to India, land of a million gods and more than a BILLION souls. Please support this work that grows more dangerous every day.
The Inheritance of the Saints
1 Thessalonians 4:16
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”
John 5:25,28
“I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice…”
1 Corinthians 15:51,52
“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we will be changed.”
Please write to me today. When you send your gift for evangelism, please request my DVD “The Perseverance of the Saints”. (When you request your DVD, please quote this number: LW1406-1407).
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.