Behind The News


Somewhere in the Middle East, some  zealots have recorded the essence of their religion: “WE…


NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE It was Christmas 1939. The outlook was black with foreboding. Great Britain…

DOES IT MATTER? Most of us were brought up on Christmas trees and gifts to…

Netanyahu encourages support from American Evangelicals The Prime Minister of Israel is supported by the American Religious Right who see Netanyahu as fulfilling Bible prophecies. They believe that the State…


Netanyahu, Hamas, and the Pharisees Did the PM Make a Deal with the Devil? It is no secret that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu turned a blind eye to the evil…

BATTLE FOR GAZA What would Jesus do? The teachings of the Jewish Jesus who lived for around 35 years in Israel were a quiet revolution. He upended traditions and the…

4,000-Year-Old Struggle Erupts – Again Around the world Jews and Muslims have taken to the streets to express support for their side in the ongoing conflict. Palestinian supporters outside the…

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