Dear Partner,
I confess I’m just an old-fashioned Bible preacher. I’m simple enough to believe that God means what He says. He tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, and I take Him at His Word. Who am I to play around with God’s Word?
Dear Partner,
I confess I’m just an old-fashioned Bible preacher. I’m simple enough to believe that God means what He says. He tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, and I take Him at His Word. Who am I to play around with God’s Word?
I’m now old enough to retire, take it easy, and sit around and watch the grass grow. Sometimes I’m tempted, believe me. The body doesn’t work quite like it did when I was 20, 30, 40, 50, or for that matter 60. I keep telling myself that the new 70 is really the old 50. I sure hope so, but until God removes the mantle, I plan to keep on keeping on. I hope this meets with your approval. Please write and tell me so, if you agree.
When our Lord said, “Go into all the world,” He meant all the world. He wasn’t just talking about preaching to the saints on the Lord’s Day. He was talking about the world of lost souls.
So what else can I do when I am invited to return to India to preach the Gospel? That, quite frankly, is not a place that my soul yearns for. I don’t like the poverty, the filth, the mosquitoes, the persecutions, the dangers, and the risks.
But there are millions there, steeped in paganism and ignorance, who will believe if we give them the opportunity to hear.
So we, by His grace, are returning to the very place where we were expelled by the police in order to save us from Hindu extremists. The Adventist Church in India says, “come.” Other denominations, including the Catholics, also say, “Come, we need you.”
So what else can we do? We will need a double portion of His Spirit, because it is not by might or by power. We will need a substantial sum of money, because we plan to conduct two campaigns in two cities. I don’t think there will be much change out of $800,000.00, and as I write we don’t have a dime (or a brass razoo) to pay these bills. God will help us, but He will help us through you, and supporters like you.
Please partner with me in this dangerous but thrilling opportunity to do something significant and wonderful for Christ. Please take a moment and write to me today.
My appeal to you comes from the heart: Let us do what Jesus said. And remember, dear friend, God is no man’s debtor and He will supply ALL our needs so His Gospel can be preached. Let’s catch the vision.
Thank you in Christ’s name.
May God fill you to the top with blessings,
John Carter The Carter Report Ministry
P.S. We are not focusing on feeding the poor in India. Others can do that better than we. Our mission is to feed the multitudes the Bread that endures to eternal life. Jesus said, “he who feeds on this bread will live forever.” John 6:58
P.P.S. We will need a large number of able-bodied volunteers to help set-up for two giant outdoor campaigns.
When you give your gift, please request my DVD entitled, “The Holy Spirit is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.” (Please quote this number when requesting your DVD: LW1102*). Please write today.
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of my DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.