Dear Partner in the Gospel,
Have you ever wondered, “What is the worth of a soul?” This coming Sabbath when I preach the Word, I plan to answer that question. Jesus once asked, “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” This bold statement tells us the worth of the whole world fades into paltry insignificance in comparison to the worth of a soul. Of course, when we are talking about a soul, we are not thinking of a disembodied spirit! Oh no! We are talking about a PERSON.
If we really want to discover the worth of a soul, we need to go to Calvary. There the Son of God paid the price of the redemption of the soul (person) with His blood, sweat and tears. It’s almost too hard to believe He would have suffered such sorrows for one soul (person), but it is true. Christ’s blood and agonies tell us one person, let alone a world of souls, is of infinite value.
That conclusion is indeed the reason why we should spend and be spent in the exalted work of saving souls. People matter most.
With your help, we are embarking on a number of soul-saving enterprises:
More than a BILLION lost souls live in India. It is also home to a billion demons. I have been there, I have visited the temples, I have sensed the presence of evil spirits. We have had with us Pastor Johnson Jacob from Rajahmundry, India, for the past 5 weeks. During these hectic days, he has translated 21 one-hour full message evangelistic programs into Telugu. He has worked tirelessly with a passion. Now we plan to broadcast these Christ-centered messages on Indian TV. Then we will, by God’s grace, visit India and conduct with Pastor Jacob an evangelistic campaign. This will be fraught with dangers, but we go to save souls. Please partner with us in India.
Pastor Jacob translating into Telugu
Donn Beagle and Pastor Jacob in recording studio
This year we are planning evangelistic outreaches in Bolivia, Colombia, and El Salvador. We are dedicated to the Gospel Commission when our Lord commanded His disciples, “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Church congregation in Bogota, Colombia
We are now, by God’s grace, preaching God’s Word on 3ABN and more recently, The Word Network. You can catch our programs on The Word on Saturdays, 6:30 pm Eastern time, 3:30 pm Pacific time, with the other zones in between. The Word Network is in the homes of 85,000,000 Americans and you will find The Carter Report when you search for channels:
• Direct TV – 373
• AT&T U-Verse – 575
• Verizon FIOS – 292
• Sky Angel – 135
(Cable channels vary by location)
Great prophecies are now being quickly fulfilled:
• The Rebirth of SPIRITISM
• The collapse of MORALITY
• The amazing influence of a once dead church
• The Earth runs a fever as she protests man-made disasters
• The Lamb-like Beast speaks as a dragon
• Great nations like China hear the Gospel
• The Holy Spirit prepares the last Gospel harvest
A very wise person who had studied the prophecies all her life wrote, “THE FINAL MOVEMENTS WILL BE RAPID ONES.”
So now, dear friend, is the time to “attempt great things FOR God and expect great things FROM God.” Please join me in putting our dollars into soul-saving. When everything else is dissolved, people (souls) redeemed by the blood of Christ will endure for all eternity. “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3 Please write to me today and please enclose your gift for souls.
We have work to do, you and I. Please partner with me.
With grateful thanks,
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
P.S. Did you enjoy the Ebenezer magazine?
P.P.S. When you send your gift for soul-saving, please request my new DVD, “The Worth of a Soul.” Please quote this DVD number: LW1404-1405. Thank you a thousand times.
Dear Partner in the Gospel,
Have you ever wondered, “What is the worth of a soul?” This coming Sabbath when I preach the Word, I plan to answer that question. Jesus once asked, “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” This bold statement tells us the worth of the whole world fades into paltry insignificance in comparison to the worth of a soul. Of course, when we are talking about a soul, we are not thinking of a disembodied spirit! Oh no! We are talking about a PERSON.
If we really want to discover the worth of a soul, we need to go to Calvary. There the Son of God paid the price of the redemption of the soul (person) with His blood, sweat and tears. It’s almost too hard to believe He would have suffered such sorrows for one soul (person), but it is true. Christ’s blood and agonies tell us one person, let alone a world of souls, is of infinite value.
That conclusion is indeed the reason why we should spend and be spent in the exalted work of saving souls. People matter most.
With your help, we are embarking on a number of soul-saving enterprises:
More than a BILLION lost souls live in India. It is also home to a billion demons. I have been there, I have visited the temples, I have sensed the presence of evil spirits. We have had with us Pastor Johnson Jacob from Rajahmundry, India, for the past 5 weeks. During these hectic days, he has translated 21 one-hour full message evangelistic programs into Telugu. He has worked tirelessly with a passion. Now we plan to broadcast these Christ-centered messages on Indian TV. Then we will, by God’s grace, visit India and conduct with Pastor Jacob an evangelistic campaign. This will be fraught with dangers, but we go to save souls. Please partner with us in India.
Pastor Jacob translating into Telugu
Donn Beagle and Pastor Jacob in recording studio
This year we are planning evangelistic outreaches in Bolivia, Colombia, and El Salvador. We are dedicated to the Gospel Commission when our Lord commanded His disciples, “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Church congregation in Bogota, Colombia
We are now, by God’s grace, preaching God’s Word on 3ABN and more recently, The Word Network. You can catch our programs on The Word on Saturdays, 6:30 pm Eastern time, 3:30 pm Pacific time, with the other zones in between. The Word Network is in the homes of 85,000,000 Americans and you will find The Carter Report when you search for channels:
• Direct TV – 373
• AT&T U-Verse – 575
• Verizon FIOS – 292
• Sky Angel – 135
(Cable channels vary by location)
Great prophecies are now being quickly fulfilled:
• The Rebirth of SPIRITISM
• The collapse of MORALITY
• The amazing influence of a once dead church
• The Earth runs a fever as she protests man-made disasters
• The Lamb-like Beast speaks as a dragon
• Great nations like China hear the Gospel
• The Holy Spirit prepares the last Gospel harvest
A very wise person who had studied the prophecies all her life wrote, “THE FINAL MOVEMENTS WILL BE RAPID ONES.”
So now, dear friend, is the time to “attempt great things FOR God and expect great things FROM God.” Please join me in putting our dollars into soul-saving. When everything else is dissolved, people (souls) redeemed by the blood of Christ will endure for all eternity. “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3 Please write to me today and please enclose your gift for souls.
We have work to do, you and I. Please partner with me.
With grateful thanks,
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.
P.S. Did you enjoy the Ebenezer magazine?
P.P.S. When you send your gift for soul-saving, please request my new DVD, “The Worth of a Soul.” Please quote this DVD number: LW1404-1405. Thank you a thousand times.