Dear friend,
We expect by God’s grace to be in Cuba within days. TWENTY-ONE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGNS are planned across the nation. I am scheduled to preach in Havana. Now is the time to pray.

The Carter Report, without any financial support from the Church, is moving out in faith to preach the Gospel to the Cuban people. Thank God for loyal faith partners like you. Please pray. Church leaders in Cuba say, “Come over and help us.”

I have over the past decade repeatedly warned that what we did in Russia we needed to do quickly. I could see the ominous signs. I warned that the Russian Government would move to restrict religious freedoms. You listened, not everyone did. Now the time of crisis has come. We can no longer go to Russia, hire halls, and preach the Gospel. Please pray for our Russian believers.
NOW THERE IS A SMALL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IN COMMUNIST CUBA. We need to go now. We need to pray now. We need to give now. Remember what is now happening in Russia. WE HAVE AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO PREACH THE GOSPEL IN CUBA, BUT TIME IS SHORT. I ask you, my faithful partner, please pray for us as we go. Please pray for the Cuban government. Please pray for our believers. Please pray for the Cuban people as they attend. Please help me raise the money that is needed for these TWENTY-ONE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGNS across Cuba.

Please consider a gift to light a Gospel fire and save souls in Cuba. I have confidence that with His help, we can do something great for God. HE WILL BLESS YOU AND SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS. Phil.4:19. I am waiting to hear from you. Your help at this time is needed more than ever before. Thank you in the mighty name of Jesus.
With love and His blessings,
John Carter
P.S. When you send your gift for evangelism, please request my DVD, “The Last International Sign Before Armageddon.” When you request your free DVD, please quote this number: FP1614-1615.*
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.
Made possible by people like you
Pastor Carter will train 140 Cuban pastors to carry on the great work of winning lost souls to Christ in this Communist nation.
We have a small window of opportunity in Cuba. PLEASE GIVE NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Please send your gift to: The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
Remember Russia!
Kremlin passes laws to stop evangelism.
John Carter says,“I saw it coming.”
Dear friend,
We expect by God’s grace to be in Cuba within days. TWENTY-ONE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGNS are planned across the nation. I am scheduled to preach in Havana. Now is the time to pray.

The Carter Report, without any financial support from the Church, is moving out in faith to preach the Gospel to the Cuban people. Thank God for loyal faith partners like you. Please pray. Church leaders in Cuba say, “Come over and help us.”

I have over the past decade repeatedly warned that what we did in Russia we needed to do quickly. I could see the ominous signs. I warned that the Russian Government would move to restrict religious freedoms. You listened, not everyone did. Now the time of crisis has come. We can no longer go to Russia, hire halls, and preach the Gospel. Please pray for our Russian believers.
NOW THERE IS A SMALL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IN COMMUNIST CUBA. We need to go now. We need to pray now. We need to give now. Remember what is now happening in Russia. WE HAVE AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO PREACH THE GOSPEL IN CUBA, BUT TIME IS SHORT. I ask you, my faithful partner, please pray for us as we go. Please pray for the Cuban government. Please pray for our believers. Please pray for the Cuban people as they attend. Please help me raise the money that is needed for these TWENTY-ONE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGNS across Cuba.

Please consider a gift to light a Gospel fire and save souls in Cuba. I have confidence that with His help, we can do something great for God. HE WILL BLESS YOU AND SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS. Phil.4:19. I am waiting to hear from you. Your help at this time is needed more than ever before. Thank you in the mighty name of Jesus.
With love and His blessings,
John Carter
P.S. When you send your gift for evangelism, please request my DVD, “The Last International Sign Before Armageddon.” When you request your free DVD, please quote this number: FP1614-1615.*
*All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.
Made possible by people like you
Pastor Carter will train 140 Cuban pastors to carry on the great work of winning lost souls to Christ in this Communist nation.
We have a small window of opportunity in Cuba. PLEASE GIVE NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Please send your gift to: The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
Remember Russia!
Kremlin passes laws to stop evangelism.
John Carter says,“I saw it coming.”