Q: Why Manila?
A: We chose Manila because Manila chose us.
Q: How did Manila choose you?
A: We received an invitation from the Central Luzon Conference to conduct a citywide evangelistic campaign in Manila. We go where God opens the doors.
Q: Have you been to Manila before?
A: In 1984, when I was a pastor in Sydney, my wife Beverley came up with the idea to take the young people in our Wahroonga church to Manila. We took a team of almost 100! It was the experience of a lifetime for them, and for us.
Australian and Filipino campaign team members.
Q: What happened?
A: We were young, inexperienced, full of hope and expectations. We saw God’s glory as the Philippine International Convention Center was packed night after night. We were thrilled as we witnessed more than 2,000 souls baptized, including several Catholic priests.
More than 2,000 souls were baptized!
Q: Why did you take so many young people?
A: To get them away from the secularism and materialism of a big affluent Australian city. We wanted to see a spiritual breakthrough, and it happened. Their lives were powerfully impacted for Jesus, and transformed by His grace.
Q: What do you expect to see happen this time in Manila?
A: If opposition and difficulties are indications of coming success, then we expect to see mighty things happen. We have had one problem after another, but God has been casting down “strongholds” of satanic opposition, and opening doors.
Q: What has been one significant problem?
A: Getting the contract signed for the PICC, a great auditorium in Manila. It’s been a “Yes,” and “No,” game and this has been a bit of a strain. Just last week we signed the contract that took care of the difficulties. Praise God!
Q: What other challenges are you facing?
A: When you do this work of evangelism, you must expect many challenges. We have experienced this, time after time. It is never easy. The problems never end, but we hope and trust in God. I ask our friends and supporters to pray for us at this crucial time. Pray also that the contractors and officials we are working with in Manila will do the right thing.
Q: Who pays all the expenses? Who is responsible for the costs?
A: Ultimately, our God is responsible because He told us to do this work, and He is faithful and true. The total costs will be around half a million dollars (US$500,000.00).
Q: Doesn’t that seem a lot to spend on an evangelistic campaign?
A: It all depends on what you believe and what your priorities are. We believe that people are lost without Christ. That means an unhappy life now, with nothing to look forward to. We believe that Christ died for this lost world, paid the price for all our sins, and that it is our responsibility to lead lost sinners to salvation through faith in Jesus.
Q: Not everyone today in the Church would agree with you. Why are you so certain?
A: Because it is the clear teaching of the Holy Bible. I am not a proponent of liberal Christianity. I have been a devoted student of Scripture for more than 50 years, and I have a fair idea what it teaches. We are saved through Christ alone. As my friend Marshall Kelly sang, “Do you know the world is dying for the story of His love?”
Q: What are some of the Manila expenses?
A: Here we go:
- The Philippine International Convention Center – $58,000.00
- Public Address System & Video Walls – $100,000.00
- TV advertising for Metro Manila – $100,000.00
- Radio advertising – $50,000.00
- Billboards – $25,000.00
- 500,000 handbills – $25,000.00
Plus: accommodation, airfares, food, rental of swimming pool for baptism, Bibles etc., etc.
Q: Do you worry about being responsible for all this expenditure?
A: Not when I have God on my side and you as my partner. Thank you.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Thank you for your great letter of encouragement in June. You have convinced me through your preaching on 3ABN. You’ve also convinced me of the Sabbath (Saturday) as the true Day of the Lord. As a 76-year-old, it’s hard to change from a lifetime of Sunday worship to the Seventh-day Adventist Church worship, on the true Sabbath. I live in the far out back of New South Wales, Australia. I know that I AM SAVED, yet I know that I have still much to learn. Thanking you for taking the time to write to me. I am not well off, as a pensioner, I will send you what I can for I perceive you are a man of God.
W. Overgaauw
Grawin Opalfields, NSW
Dear Sir/Madam:
The services provided by The Carter Report are valuable and necessary in our present day circumstances. When I think of all the people you have helped and the vast number of people still in need, we are grateful for your courage and vision. I hope this donation provides at least a small amount of assistance toward the continuation of your services.
J & B Edouard
Middletown, NY
“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”