“What is the mission of The Carter Report?” is a question I must answer. Our mission is to save lost souls, proclaim the Gospel in the context of the Three Angels’ Messages, go to dangerous places when God calls, uplift the oppressed, and glorify the name of Jesus.

Although El Salvador is a gang-infested country, we accepted the call without reservation. We rented the National Football Stadium and witnessed bigger crowds than attended their football finals. We uplifted Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is our message, our hope, our life, our joy and our salvation. We witnessed 55,000 souls in the stadium and 5,500 baptized. Our testimony is: Jesus saves, He is Lord. All glory to King Jesus.

Education is important. A twisted system produces twisted people, a Christian system produces Christians. After the campaign you helped finance, we discovered the “forgotten children.” These were children whose parents were too poor to send them to our church school. These children were members of our church, but there was no money to educate them. Now with your support, we are sponsoring these beautiful children. These boys and girls are now being lifted from poverty and ignorance. You are helping to make this possible. Thank you. We plan by His grace and your help to double the number of children helped this year.

The mission goes on…
- We continue to preach the Word on 3ABN, FOX in Washington DC, SAFE TV, Apple TV, ROKU, and Amazon Fire TV.
- We are distributing Gospel DVDS across Russia.
- We continue to broadcast in India.
- We are planning another overseas evangelistic campaign.

By God’s grace we plan to remain true to the Mission and to keep soldiering on. We look upon you as a dear partner. Please know that your gifts of love are making someone’s life incredibly better. A soul saved lasts for eternity.
When you say your prayers and go to bed tonight, remember you are a part of something beautiful and everlasting. With abundant thanks,