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Exciting News Across America.
“To God be the Glory, great things HE has done.”
We never thought it possible, but our God is the God of the impossible. The Carter Report is taking a giant leap forward. This is much bigger than we had hoped for or even prayed for! We are about to start broadcasting on 112 NEW TV stations across America. Yes, that’s correct, 112 new television stations across the USA. We say, “Glory be to God! This is not our doing, it is the Lord’s!”
Viewers tell us our programs are different because they present strong Bible Truths, not just emotional hype. We humbly believe our programs are solidly BIBLICAL, PROPHETIC, CHRIST-CENTERED, AND GOSPEL FOCUSED. We look to Christ alone.
These 112 new stations belong to a liberal network, yet they have approved our programs. Praise God!! The Carter Report is different. We are not preaching to please man, but to please God and save souls. Please support us. Our messages reach people who are crying out for truth in an age of lies, half-truths and propaganda. We move ahead in faith, trusting God to make up for our shortcomings.
Just think of “our man in Las Vegas,” that great city of superficiality and sin. Our friend was brought up as an American Communist. Yes, there were Communists in America, and our friend had been indoctrinated in atheism. But he had a big hole inside, and when he saw our program he gave his life 100% to Jesus Christ. “Thank God,” he said, “For The Carter Report.” Now we want to touch more hurting lost souls across America as we reach out on 112 new TV stations. Please support us, Jesus is coming!
Also, we are planning on running a huge citywide evangelistic campaign in the vast city of Manila, capitol of the Philippines. Please support us, Jesus is coming. We have no strength in ourselves. Our hope is in Christ alone. Our support comes only from God and supporters like you.
We live for Christ and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus. Please dream big exciting dreams with us. Please help us raise a million dollars for the public proclamation of Christ. Please let God touch you and bless you. Jesus is coming!
You can see the full broadcast schedule by clicking the View Full PDF button at the top of the page. Our broadcast time is 11:00 a.m. Sunday mornings starting December 2, 2018, a really good time. It’s a miracle! Rejoice with us, and help us light a fire for Jesus. Please help us raise a million dollars for public evangelism. Please write today. You may also give online now by clicking here. Thank you in Jesus’ name.
Please send your urgently needed gift for evangelism to:
Pastor John Carter
The Carter Report
PO Box 1900
Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 USA
In Australia write to:
Pastor John Carter
PO Box 861
Terrigal, NSW 2260
We send love with His blessings,
John Carter
The Carter Report
PS Let us strike a blow for Jesus who is coming soon. Please help us raise a million dollars for public evangelism. Remember Jesus is coming and God loves you!
“Thanks Pastor Carter for sharing this wonderful news. Praise the Lord for opening more doors to share the Gospel! More people need to know God and His wonderful message. With this new way to reach out to the world, there is no doubt that the Lord will bless this evangelistic endeavor. Let’s keep lifting up Jesus Christ. He will draw many to Him.”
Velino A. Salazar
Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
When you send your gift, please request my DVD, “The Game Changers — Elijah.” When you request your FREE DVD, please quote this number: AGC1811-1812.*
* All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.