Dear Fellow Pilgrim,
Blessings to you. Here is an update on the great Manila Campaign. As I write, Carter Report volunteer and overseas manager, Pastor Harold Harker from “Down-Under,” is high in the sky on his way to Manila. He has much to do. Working in the Philippines is not easy, and he has a week filled with challenges.
Very few know what is involved in running a big citywide evangelistic campaign. It’s like preparing for a major military exercise where the aim is not the destruction of souls, but the saving of souls.
Some things that must be done include:
- Finding and renting a venue — Indoors or outdoors in a prime location. In Manila this has been frustrating. Months of work has gone into this, but hopefully this week we will sign a contract to rent the Philippine International Convention Center for US$74,000.00.
- Organizing the local churches — We go to Manila at the urgent invitation of the local church administration (the Central Luzon Conference), that still believes in public evangelism. Most places oppose it, having settled for a nebulous lazy thing they call, “Friendship Evangelism.” The latter is a mystery to me, I thought being friendly was something we all did without any special effort. To rely on “Friendship Evangelism” is to invite spiritual disaster because it denies the great Commission of Christ to “go into all the world and preach…”
- Buying television and radio ads — This is vital but expensive. Ads on primetime television may be $5,000.00 for 30 seconds. We do it because it is the best way to reach the lost unchurched masses. Churches often waste a lot of money lubricating the machinery, but throwing the net into the sea is the Jesus way. It costs money but it fulfills the will of God. In Manila, our television and radio advertising will touch millions.
- Renting huge PA systems — and giant video screens takes time, effort, and money. But we are determined to do it, because what we do for Jesus must be the best.
- Renting buses — to bring the people from strategic places. In El Salvador, we rented 763 buses and filled the stadium with more than 50,000 souls.
- 6. Raising the budget of $500,000.00 — without any help from the Church. We believe we are called to publicly proclaim the Word.
Raising the budget of $500,000.00 — without any help from the Church. We believe we are called to publicly proclaim the Word.
This is a call to arms. This is a call to rally the true people of God.
Soldiers are needed. Money is needed to fuel the Gospel fires. Please have a little talk with Jesus and please send your gift to what could be THE LAST CAMPAIGN in Manila. We must raise $500,000.00. God needs you. We need you. Visit our website www.cartereport.org to donate today.
God bless and reward you, true soldier of the cross.
With love, grace, thanks and blessings,
John Carter
P.S. When you send your gift, please request my DVD, “The Gentle Revolutionary” — Part 1 & 2.
When you request your FREE DVD, please quote this number: ALW1841-1842.*
* All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations. The fair market value of the DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations. The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax-laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.
We believe in public evangelism because:
- It works, in spite of the devil and his assistants
- It makes a tremendous impact for Christ. In some places our campaigns have had a national impact.
- It wins souls to Christ from the camp of the enemy.
- It is taught in the Bible. The Church started when a man stood up to preach. (Acts 2)
- We get so much opposition, we must be doing the right thing.
“The moment the church of God shall despise the pulpit, God will despise her.”
— Charles Spurgeon
Rev. 14:6
“Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation…” This describes PUBLIC EVANGELISM. This is why we do it!
Carter Report team members are working in India, the Philippines, Australia, and America. David Carter is now, as I write, traveling to a land of a million demon gods and a billion lost souls. He goes to India to keep a flickering candle of hope and truth burning. PLEASE PRAY FOR DAVID AND OUR CARTER REPORT TEAM.
Acts 2:14
The Church started when a man stood up to preach.
Pastor Harold Harker traveled to Manila as The Carter Report representative and overseas manager.
- WHERE? Manila, a city with a Spanish, Roman Catholic culture.
- HOW BIG? 21 million plus souls.
- WHY? Because JESUS CHRIST is our HOPE.
- PLACE? The Philippine International Convention Center. Manila’s premier venue.
- HOW MUCH? US$500,000.00.
- AIM? To set Manila on fire with the Gospel of Christ.
- WHEN? Coming soon. We will keep you informed.
- VOLUNTEERS? YOU can join the team in Manila.
- WHO? The Carter Report team plus the Central Luzon Conference with 100 ministers plus 5,000 church members, plus the Manila Adventist Medical Center.
- PURPOSE? To affect a transformation of society through the preaching of Christ.
- HOW CAN I HELP? By praying and giving. As we sacrificially give, so God will abundantly bless and fill our cup to overflowing.
“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
— LUKE 6:38
“But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you abound in this grace also.”
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”
The Carter Report television program is reaching lost souls with Christ-centered messages of HOPE.
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* For your convenience you may also donate through The Carter Report app.
Please support Carter Report Television, now seen on 112 stations across America on the CW Plus Network. You may also watch our programs on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, 3ABN Network, SAFE TV, HOPE Ukraine, Cross.TV, Vimeo, YouTube and our website www.cartereport.org.
We gratefully acknowledge those dear ones who are now resting in Christ and have graciously supported the proclamation of Christ’s Gospel through their prayers and gifts of love.
- Harry & Hilda Konopka, Canada
- Pam & Jimmy Rhodes, USA
- Linden Dyason, Australia
- Vicky McCutcheon, USA