Five hundred years ago Roman Catholic scholar Martin Luther provoked a schism in his beloved church. Millions of Protestants believe it is now time to return to the Mother Church. “We all think the same now, don’t we?” To millions, Jesuit Pope Francis is a gentle Christ-like figure, more interested in saving souls than pontificating dogmas. Shall we not accept his invitation to return?
John Carter presents the differences between his Protestant faith and the Catholic faith of the Pope.

You may receive the four-part TV series, “Shall We Return to Rome?” by visiting our online store (U.S. shipments only), calling us at 805-532-0038 (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. (PST) USA) or writing us: The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358, USA
Cost for two 60-minute DVDs: $30.00 USD. Free shipping and handling in the USA only.
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Five hundred years ago Roman Catholic scholar Martin Luther provoked a schism in his beloved church. Millions of Protestants believe it is now time to return to the Mother Church. “We all think the same now, don’t we?” To millions, Jesuit Pope Francis is a gentle Christ-like figure, more interested in saving souls than pontificating dogmas. Shall we not accept his invitation to return?
John Carter presents the differences between his Protestant faith and the Catholic faith of the Pope.

You may receive the four-part TV series, “Shall We Return to Rome?” by visiting our online store (U.S. shipments only), calling us at 805-532-0038 (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. (PST) USA) or writing us: The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358, USA